Artwork Care

Resin and yellowing
Epoxy resin is a UV sensitive material that can yellow over time. To reduce yellowing and to prolong the clarity of your resin, keep your artwork away from direct sunlight. A bright room is fine, but try to install your painting away from a window if possible.

Clean resin like you would clean a window using glass cleaner and a soft paper towel or micro fibre cloth. Make sure it is soft, as coarse paper towels (like the brown ones) will scratch the surface.

Resin scratches very easily. Most often scratches appear on the surface and can be wiped off. If it is a deeper scratch and you would like it fixed, please contact the studio for a repair quote.

Storage and Shipping
Resin should never touch bubble wrap directly as it leaves a permanent imprint not the surface. If you have to wrap your painting, use glassine paper, parchment paper or a roll of foam padding.

Resin should not be exposed to heat for prolonged periods as it can become pliable and in may begin to decompose. If you have to transport your painting in the summer, make sure it doesn’t sit in your vehicle for too long in extreme temperatures as the resin may appear to melt.

About the Paintings
These paintings are hand painted with acrylic paint. If you look closely, you will see brushstrokes, and slight colour bleeding in each shape. I keep a few minor imperfections in each piece as a celebration of human touch, rather than a factory-produced art object.

You may see small bubbles, dust, or glitter in your piece. I try my best to remove as much as I can as the resin cures, but some pieces are missed. I work in a space with glitter and it sometimes drifts onto a painting as it cures. As for dust, that is unavoidable and I do my best to pick out as much as I can before the resin cures.

I have more questions about artwork care!
Do you have more questions about artwork care? Reach out to the studio and I’ll be sure to answer any questions you may have.